Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tomorrow Is Another Day

A nice quite evening last night. No more heart rate spikes and we plan to try to keep that going. If all goes well over the next day or so I may be heading to the Step-Down Unit. That is the place where Mommy and Daddy can stay with me until I can leave the hospital. I can even get some more people to visit too. I am sure that Mommy and Daddy will regulate how many and how often as well as the hospital regulations. I'll let you know all about that when I move to that place. Keep those prayers going!

Today was a nice relaxing Saturday. I hear that is what they are for. I am bummed that I have not caught up on the NFL Playoffs yet but I am sure that Daddy will fill me in tomorrow. Yeah, I know the Bears got bonked this season but Lovie will pull it back together, I have faith in's that Cutler guy that I am not sure of. Anywhoo, Mommy and Daddy both got to feed me again today. Sure it was the same bottle but it was good. Why the same bottle you ask? Well, after I drank about 10cc I decided to blow all the chunder in my tummy all over to see how Daddy handles it. You remember my first good poo story, well...yeah...quite similar. All over my belly even some on my back. Daddy handled it like a pro. Sure it is a bit more difficult with all of the cords and tubing I am connected to but all was well. Daddy, Mommy and Nurse N took care of me quite well. Once I was all clean we shifted to Mommy to finish feeding me. Mommy and Daddy tag teamed me, Mommy fed + Daddy burped (me that is) = good eats. After the good meal I was so full of excitement I could not fall asleep so I just kept looking around as Mommy held me and Daddy hovered like an eagle watching its young. Mommy then had to go make my favorite mean, Mommy Mixture, so Daddy took over the holding. He hummed me to sleep.

When I woke up Daddy was still there holding me but he had to give me to Nurse M to put in a new Eyevee. Wow was that uncomfortable! A great invention but come on man...find an easier less painful way of doing it. Mommy told me not to worry, everyone who does the eyevee has this issue. They told me I took it like a champ.

Tomorrow can be the day so I'm heading to get some good sleep in preparation for a potential move. Talk soon and thank you for all that you do!

A special shout out to Uncle Andrew...Happy Birthday. Thank you for holding out on your trip last weekend to be with Mommy and Daddy as I was moved away from them. You are a great uncle for that!


  1. Thinking of you guys everyday! Such good news about the poo and all the food Carlee is eating!! Do you want company?

  2. The Greenjeans22 is actually my oldest son's account...this is Valerie Goerner. :)

  3. Carlee, I am totally with you on the Bears!
