Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Daily Routine

Well, it looks like I get to go visit the G-Fruit family today. I like hanging with them. They have been helping and praying for me, Mommy and Daddy since the day I was born. Peachfuzz is the one who drove Daddy back to Mommy when I went to the See-Eye-See-You on my birthday. I like playing with the Lil Truck, she is funny. I like to make really loud noises that she has taught me over the past few months.

Life is going well. I feel bad for Daddy. He had an opportunity to go help teach scuba in Belize but with the insanity around here and his ear working on healing up he had to pass. We know there will be some other opportunities, it is just hard to go to another country (again) for a week at this time.

Mommy is doing well. Each day is a new day and we all pray that guidance, wisdom and patience.

I wanted to give a shout out to my 'god-father' JC...yes this is the one who I am named after :) I know that you really wanted to be at my baby dedication this past weekend. But as I have learned a lot over these past few months, life has a way of making it's own mind up. I just want you to know that I want you to get better. Work hard to get the knee back to working order and take care of yourself. I look forward to going sailing next summer!

Well, off to have a great Tuesday. I hope that all of you do the same!

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