Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Adventures Come In Waves (not the water ones yet)

I always get a comment or a message here or there whenever I take a day off of posting. Always remember, no news is commonly good news when it comes to the Gonzales family. In all reality Sundays adventure was just a bath with Mommy and Daddy's help. They did a good job on it and I am smelling wonderful...actually like Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo and Lotion, which some believe is wonderful.

Monday was a nice quiet day. I have been working on my eating over the past few days and I am thinking I am getting the hang of it. Of course, as Daddy puts it, Mr. Murphy...apparently he is a lawyer or something because he has a law named after him...will always make things interesting. I did get almost all of my feedings from the bottle. I think there were only two that were done by the machine. Feedings today went well too. We have not used the machine yet and I only have one more official feeding of the day for today. Sure, I want to have my meals broken up here and there but I am eating the amounts that I am supposed to and if all goes well over the next few days Daddy may be able to take this nose string out. He and Mommy don't want to take it out just yet due to Mr. Murphy, but I am thinking that that lawyer will keep his distance or he'll have to deal with me.

Daddy told me today that Peepaw and Grammy are really missing me. He apparently talked to Grammy this morning and she told him that as she and Peepaw were chilling while watching television that Peepaw said that he missed Carlee (that is me). I miss them too but I know that I will get to see them soon.

Today I did get to go on an adventure. Daddy took me and Mommy for a trip in the car. It was my first non-medical trip. That is very exciting because every trip I have taken so far has either been to a hospital, home from a hospital or to go see a doctor. This trip Daddy took me to see his work. I got to see Jazz, ATF and DTS again as well as my first introductions to PS, the Tennis Man and some others that Daddy works with. I even got to meet some more of Daddy's students. It is really neat to hear all the squeaky quiet noises that come from all of those that meet me. It is always, "she is so cute" or "oh my goodness she is so small" and I get a "she is so precious" every so often. Yeah, even though my eyes are closed I am still listening to you and I like it :)

We got home and chilled. I'm going to work on some more food and try to get this last bottle down this evening. I'll let you know when the horrible nose string is on it's way out.

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